Why the lip liner is my favorite makeup product?

The lip liner is a product that I really love. To me, that is kind of unexpected, but a positive surprise. I use the product almost every day, and I’ll share with you why I love it so much. 

The product my mom always used

I remember being a really young girl, watching my mom put on her lip liner. She always used the lip liner to trace her natural lip line and shape, and then filled in the lip with lipstick. It was kind of nostalgic when I first started using it. I must say that I of course use it in a completely different way than she did in the 90s, but it’s still the same product. I love purchasing different types of lip liner when I’m online shopping since it’s such an easy product to work with. It’s never going wrong with a lip liner. Of course, my trick is to google swatches of the color, so that I know more or less how it will look like.

Make an illusion with the lip liner

Something that I absolutely love is that you can do so much with a lip liner. I can make my lips look bigger, or I can just fill them in completely to make them have a uniform and sleek look. Also, it can really make your lips pop… I use hot pink or burning red often. I love the result it gives me. That’s something I prefer to use when I’m going out though, and not in everyday life. I usually wear a nude lip liner with either brown or peachy tones in my everyday life. It goes well with basically every outfit, and because of that, it’s my favorite for those busy life occasions.

Playing around with makeup

What’s so fun is that makeup is easy to play around with. You can try to overline your lips so that they look bigger, or you can just keep it simple and color the whole lip. You can also go old-school and draw around your lips like they did when my mom used this product. I mean she still does it, but not in the contouring way I try to do it, haha. I love that it’s a product that you can use no matter which age group. I must admit that for example, the lip gloss is something I associate with younger women, while the lipstick is for more mature ones. But at the same time that is something that has changed the last years.  I’m happy that it’s changed and the makeup world has become much more open.

Finding brands that make a good lip liner

Sometimes for me, the lip liner can become a bit dry. I have a tendency to get really dry lips, especially in the winter… And of course, that does not look good! I have recently really started to reach more and more for my lip liner from NYX, and I think I’ll try some more colors from there next time I need a new one. Do you have any recommendations for me, when it comes to great makeup brands? I always love to try something new.

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