When you enter your 60’s, your skin will definitely change. From hormonal issues to general aging, your skin can start to thin, sag or show more wrinkles. You’ll want to know how to stay looking younger as long as possible. Here are some ways to take care of your skin in your 60’s:
In your 60’s, you might notice more thinning of your skin. Make sure to use gentle cleansers, heavy-duty moisturizers and continue to use your anti-aging products. See a dermatologist to address any other skin concerns. Don’t forget to care for your neck as well because it can show signs of aging just as much as your face.
Make sure to stay hydrated and eat healthy. Eating healthy will not only make you feel better but it can also help your skin as well. Eat lots of leafy green vegetables, foods with omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, and hydrating fruits like watermelon.
With every age, make sure that you use sunscreen to prevent further damage from the sun. Always wear sunglasses when outdoors as well to prevent sun damage and wrinkles around your eyes.
Try BIO-CLOCK Activation Anti-Aging System to take care of your skin from all angles. It will provide a daily exfoliating cleanser and a day and night cream to help you fight aging every single day.
With that said, be proud of your age and your skin! It has likely been through a lot and you should celebrate the fact that you are in your 60’s!
Are you in your 60’s? What skin changes did you notice when you entered your 60’s? What are your favorite products to use to keep your skin looking young?
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